Homestead Exemption

In order to qualify for homestead exemption, Louisiana State Law requires that the homeowner must own and occupy the residence by December 31st of the applicable tax year. Louisiana State Law allows an individual one homestead exemption up to $75,000. Application for homestead in most parishes can be made by applying in person at their local tax assessor’s office.

Homestead exemption is a tremendous benefit for homeowners. After qualifying for homestead exemption, the property owner does not need to reapply each year, unless there have been changes in the title of the property. The homestead exemption law gives property owners a tax break on their property taxes. The amount of savings that you would receive is generally about $750-$800 per year depending on your assessed value and the millage rate in your area. It is important to remember that the homestead exemption does not exempt municipal taxes. If a property owner lives inside any city limits, he will owe some taxes regardless of the assessed value. The assessor's office sends a homestead card to each homeowner around September or October of each year. This process enables the assessor to monitor the homestead exemptions and provides the homeowner with a copy for their personal records indicating that their property is still receiving the homestead exemption. After receiving the homestead exemption card, you should retain this copy for your records. Do not return it to the assessor's office unless you no longer reside in the home. If you do not receive your homestead exemption card by November 25th of each year, and you are still residing in your home, please call our office as soon as possible.

It is extremely important to remember that during the closing of the sale that the taxes are settled, not paid. As the new property owner, you should be sure to obtain a tax bill after the first day of December of that year and make arrangements for payment, either personally or through your escrow account with the mortgage company. If you purchase your home in the middle of the year, the previous owner will receive the tax bill, but it is the new homeowner's responsibility to see that taxes are paid.


Below is a list of local Assessor’s offices and contact numbers:



Main Office:
East Baton Rouge Parish Assessor
222 St. Louis Street, Room 126
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
(225) 389-3920


Coursey Blvd. Office:
10500 Coursey Blvd., Suite 303
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
(225) 389-3901



Gonzales Office:
828 S. Irma Blvd. #102  
Gonzales, LA 70737
(225) 473-9239


Donaldsonville Office:
300 Houmas St. Suite D
Donaldsonville, LA 70346  



29940 S. Magnolia Ave. 
Livingston, LA 70754
(225) 686-7278




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